Dynamically Assigning and Retrieving Variables- Both Named and Structured in SAP ABAP

Dynamically Assigning and Retrieving Variables- Both Named and Structured in SAP ABAP

Posted on October 12, 2018


So, let's say you've got some, uh, let's just say for now... not perfectly written ABAP code. Something that looks like this:

" Ack! my eyes!

TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_zstructure,
var1 type i,
var2 type i,
var3 type i,
var4 type i,
end of gty_zstructure.

DATA: gv_badcodevar1 TYPE i VALUE 10,
gv_badcodevar2 TYPE i VALUE 11,
gv_badcodevar3 TYPE i VALUE 12,
gv_badcodevar4 TYPE i VALUE 13,
gs_zstructure type gty_zstructure.

gs_zstructure-var1 = 96.
gs_zstructure-var2 = 97.
gs_zstructure-var3 = 98.
gs_zstructure-var4 = 99.

Yep. Super repetitive variable names.

We don't know why a developer wrote code like that, and we don't know why he or she wouldn't utilize a structure or table, but we don't really care. 😉

Let's assume we've gotta make a modification to such a program and we need to loop through all those variables. Instead of otherwise copying a similiar pattern of all those variable names which would be horrible, we can apply dynamic variable assignment by building a string that is identical to the variables actual name in the ABAP source code, and reading that into a field symbol.

Below are copy/pastable examples showing how to do this for both plain variables and components of a structure you may want to snag.

Dynamic Variable Assignment for Global Variables

" Just to demonstrate the code sample, we'll use these variables which are all integer type with various values, but this process works for any variable type

DATA: gv_badcodevar1 TYPE i VALUE 10,
gv_badcodevar2 TYPE i VALUE 11,
gv_badcodevar3 TYPE i VALUE 12,
gv_badcodevar4 TYPE i VALUE 13,
gv_sy_index_string TYPE string,
gv_variable_name TYPE string.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_variable_value> TYPE any.

DO 4 TIMES. " (or however many times you need to build a string for such patterned variables)
gv_sy_index_string = sy-index. " convert the sy-index to string type so we can use it in the CONCATENATE statement
CONCATENATE 'GV_BADCODEVAR' gv_sy_index_string INTO gv_variable_name. " build variable name
ASSIGN (gv_variable_name) TO <fs_variable_value>. " the parenthesis, without any spaces from the variable, are required here otherwise this dynamic method wont work!!!!
WRITE: / gv_variable_name, ' has a value of ', <fs_variable_value>. " should be 'GV_BADCODEVAR1 has a value of 10' and so on

Dynamic Variable Assignment for Components of Line Structure Variables

" Just to demonstrate the code sample, we'll use this simple structure variable (again, it will work with any structure types)

TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_zstructure,
var1 TYPE i,
var2 TYPE i,
var3 TYPE i,
var4 TYPE i,
END OF gty_zstructure.

gs_zstructure TYPE gty_zstructure,
gv_sy_index_string TYPE string,
gv_component_name TYPE string.

gs_zstructure-var1 = 96.
gs_zstructure-var2 = 97.
gs_zstructure-var3 = 98.
gs_zstructure-var4 = 99.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_component_value> TYPE any.

DO 4 TIMES. " (or however many times you need to build a string for such patterned variables)
gv_sy_index_string = sy-index. " convert the sy-index to string type so we can use it in the CONCATENATE statement
CONCATENATE 'VAR' gv_sy_index_string INTO gv_component_name. " build variable name
ASSIGN COMPONENT gv_component_name OF STRUCTURE gs_zstructure TO <fs_component_value>.
WRITE: / 'Component ', gv_component_name, ' of structure gs_zstructure has a value of ', <fs_component_value>. " should be 'GV_BADCODEVAR1 has a value of 10' and so on

And that's it!

Cheers! 🍺


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