One Hundred Posts Challenge

...will I manage?

Posted on April 20, 2021

One Hundred Posts?

Tinkering around with my stats page, I realized that I was killing it back in 2018! I had 30 blog posts in 2018!

A nicely shaped challenge started to form in my head. If I can write more than 40 blog posts this year, not only will I beat my crazy 30-post year in 2018, but...

it will bring my total blog post count to over 100!

One hundred posts. A nice round goal if there every was one! I'm also aware that search engines reward sites that frequently publish new content. So that's what I'm gonna do! 👍

As of writing this post, I'm currently on a 3 day publishing streak, but this will probably be it for a few days. I have some niche full stack topics to write up very soon, but don't expect 4 more posts in the next 4 days! 😂

Cheers! 🍻


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