🎃 Hacktoberfest 2021 Hype!
One of my favorite ways to give back to the open source community - it only comes around once a year!
Posted on September 30, 2021
Well, Hacktoberfest 2021 starts tomorrow.
I was looking around the socials: on dev.to, Twitter, Instagram... and I gotta say...

It's a graveyard out there! (Pun totally intended.) There's nearly no discussion or hype for Hacktoberfest, and it starts TOMORROW!
While I expect a lot more discussion and excitement tomorrow, it can't hurt to start the discussion off a bit early, right? So... here's what I got!
I have a fun and simple React hook called usePleaseStay
that helps you animate your favicon and title like so:

The repository is react-use-please-stay
on GitHub.
I've opened a few possible issues that I think could be further optimizations to this hook! I hope you'll consider taking a look at them or tackling one!
Hope to see you all out there this October on the front lines of open source software! Have fun!